Friday 5 August 2011

The barriers to effective communication

!±8± The barriers to effective communication

DE McFarland described the communication as a process of meaningful interaction between people. More specifically, the process is perceived by the senses and understanding among the people reached. But there may be some errors / barriers of communication that prevents the message to the recipient, these barriers are as follows: -

1 Language Barrier - different languages, vocabulary, pronunciation is a dialect of the national / regionalBarriers. Semantic gaps are words of similar pronunciation but different meanings, such as year-round, the message expressed myself badly, interpretation and hypotheses are not qualified. The heavy use of words or inappropriate / bad news can be explained or understood lead to confusion.

2 Cultural barriers - age, education, sex, social status, economic status, cultural background, temperament, health, beauty, popularity, religion, politics, ethics, values, motivations,Assumptions, expectations, rules / regulations, standards, priorities a person can separate from each other and a barrier.

Individual Barrier 3: - There may be the result of individual perception and personal hardship. Even if two people are at the same event saw her mental perception / can not be identical, which acts as a barrier. The style is, selective perception, halo effect, poor supervision and retention, save, close, open-mindedness, lack of filteringIndividual or psychological barrier.

Organizational Barrier 4: - Has poor organizational culture, climate, strict rules, rules, status, relationship, complexity, lack of services / opportunities for growth and improvement, and, separately, the type of internal and external environment, such as areas Working physically separated from the other large, poor lighting, lack of staff, obsolete equipment and background noise are physical organizationalBarrier.

Interpersonal Barrier 5: - Barriers of employers are: - lack of trust in people, the lack of knowledge of nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, body language, gestures, posture, eye contact, different experiences , lack of time for employees, no consideration need of personnel, the authority for the collection, the fear of losing power control, materials and manage the information overload, while the barriers are lack of motivation, lack cooperation, trust, fearof punishment and bad relationship with the employer.

6 attitudinal barrier: - It is because of problems with the staff of the organization. Limitation of mental and physical abilities, intelligence, understanding, preconceived ideas and mistrusted the source divides the attention and provide a mechanical barrier, which influences the attitude and opinion.

Channel 7 barrier: - If the length of the communication is long, or the media is used in an inappropriate manner, communicationcould break, it can also be the result of interpersonal conflicts between the transmitter and receiver to communicate lack of interest, or prevent problems of information sharing and access to the channel clearly affect the accuracy and effectiveness.

To communicate effectively it is necessary to overcome these barriers. Work on the barrier is a broad spectrum of activity brush and here are a few measures.

WHAT TO DO for breaking the barrier:

- Allowing employees accessResources, self-realization and idea generation.
- Press to your expectations of others.
- Use less absolute words like "never", "always" "forever", etc.
- A good listener and active.
- Filter the information properly before it to someone else.
- Try to establish a communication channel and the elimination of intermediaries.
- Use specific and accurate words that the public can readily understand.
- Try to see the situationthrough the eyes of the speaker.
- The "you" attitude must be used on all occasions.
- Maintain eye contact with the speaker and make him comfortable.
- Write instructions, if the information is very detailed and complicated.
- Verbal communication must be clear and not with a heavy accent.
- Avoid misunderstandings of words and semantic noise.
- For questions, clarification, repetition, where required.
- Make the organization more flexible, dynamicand transparent.
- Foster the relationship friendly, the strengths of co-ordination between supervisors and subordinates.
- Focus on specific and precise communication.
- The message of the communication must be clear and practical.
- Get adequate feedback.

'S NOT break the barrier:

- Be a selective listener, this is when a person hears another, but chooses not to listen, to hear what the choice or desire, another message says.
- Being a "fixer", aFixer is a person to find the other person look guilty.
- A dreamer is.
- Use long chain of command for communication.
- Do not use too many technical jargons.
- Head on conclusions.
- Interrupt the speaker and distract him from too many irrelevant questions.

The barriers to effective communication

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